Browsing Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Letter for the May 10, 2020 bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Pastor’s Letter for the May 10, 2020 bulletin

We welcome Jeremiah Hahn back to Christ Our Light Parish to be with us at least into July for his “summer assignment.” With both Deacon Nick and Jeremiah here through the end of May we will be blessed as a parish ... Read More »

Pastor’s Letter for the May 3, 2020 bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

We begin a new phase of our experience of responding to the coronavirus in our midst. This is a phase of guarded hopefulness, trusting that the extreme measures we have undertaken since mid-March are now bearing fruit not only here in Guernsey County but throughout Ohio and beyond. We ... Read More »

Pastor's Letter for the April 26, 2020 bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Hopefully we are in fact seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of our time of having our public Masses suspended. My understanding is that the bishops of Ohio have been meeting this weekend to consider steps for safe participation of us all as the roll-out plan ... Read More »

Message of Hope

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Click first on the "Message of Hope" title above and then on this link to see the video made by the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity.​ 

Enjoy and may God bless you! 


Local Stress Hotline Information

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Local Stress Hotline Information

Pastor’s Letter for the April 12, 2020 bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Pastor’s Letter for the April 12, 2020 bulletin

Happy Easter to you all! May you experience the joy of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ growing stronger in your hearts and lives each day!

Several people have mentioned to me that we have had “the most Lent-like Lent” in a ... Read More »

Exceptional Conditions for Obtaining a Plenary Indulgence in the Diocese of Steubenville

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Essential and Exceptional Conditions for Obtaining a Plenary Indulgence during this time of the Stay-at-Home Order and of the suspension of publicly celebrated liturgies in Ohio

Bishop Monforton has announced a truly special decree to help all of us in the Diocese of Steubenville to be enriched and protected ... Read More »