Saturday |
November 30 |
Vigil |
5:00pm | St. Benedict | + Liz Lewis by Mike and Alberta Herrick |
Sunday |
December 1 |
First Sunday of Advent |
8:00am |
St. Benedict |
+ Tom Chappelear by Connie and Family |
10:00am |
St. Benedict |
+ Al Mueser by the Mueser Family |
12:15pm | Sts. Peter and Paul |
People of the Parish |
Monday |
December 2 |
8:30am |
St. Benedict |
+ Jim Trace (Anniversary) by Janice Trace |
Tuesday |
December 3 |
8:30am |
St. Benedict |
+ Carlos Santa Ires (Anniversary) by Edna Dycoco |
Wednesday |
December 4 |
8:30am |
St. Benedict |
+ Allen Cochran by Theresa Cochran and Family |
Thursday |
December 5 |
8:30am |
St. Benedict |
+ Frank "Jon" Bennett by Carol Cunningham and Ed Burke |
Friday |
December 6 |
8:30am |
St. Benedict |
Intentions of Margaret Adams |
Saturday |
December 7 |
Vigil |
8:30am |
St. Benedict |
Intentions of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society |
5:00pm |
St. Benedict |
+ Josephine Ammar by Judy Ammar |
Sunday |
December 8 |
Second Saturday of Advent |
8:00am |
St. Benedict |
+ Ed Karas by Janice Trace |
10:00am |
St. Benedict |
+ George Lackney by Daughters |
12:15pm | Sts. Peter and Paul | People of the Parish |
St. Benedict Church in Cambridge
Sts. Peter and Paul Oratory in Lore City