Pastor's Letter for the May 10, 2020 bulletin

Pastor’s Letter for the May 10, 2020 bulletin

We welcome Jeremiah Hahn back to Christ Our Light Parish to be with us at least into July for his “summer assignment.” With both Deacon Nick and Jeremiah here through the end of May we will be blessed as a parish to participate in the transitions in the lives and ministry of both Deacon Nick and Jeremiah.

At this point we can at least let you know the dates for their upcoming ordinations. Deacon Nick Ward’s priesthood ordination is planned for Friday, May 29th and Jeremiah Hahn’s diaconate ordination is planned for the following Friday, June 5th, with both ordinations in Steubenville. We will be hearing more details throughout the month regarding the number of people who can attend these Masses, but at this point we can look forward to them being live-streamed.

This week, interestingly, on Thursday, May 14th, is the feast day of St. Corona. Even before this “coronavirus” pandemic began, St. Corona had been a saint that the faithful in northern Italy and parts of Germany had experienced as an effective intercessor in the face of viruses and illnesses. Not directly related to this as her feast day, nevertheless, Pope Francis has asked that the Church throughout the world observe that day as one for prayer, fasting and works of charity. Locally, we will also be celebrating that day with a parking lot-based graduation ceremony for our St. Benedict School 8th Grade Class of 2020. May these fascinating coincidences mean that this Thursday will be a day of substantial grace is part of God’s plan for us!

As other aspects of life in Ohio are beginning to open up, we are moving closer to having our parish activities little by little moving to a “new normal.” One good starting point for our local opening up plans at this point is to begin again with Eucharistic Adoration on this Wednesday, May 13th. Initially I was expecting that we would need to limit it to 4 or 5 hours in the middle of the day. But, in talking with our regular scheduled adorers, it looks like we will be able to have a full day of Adoration, from ~9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., in St. Benedict Church, rather than in the smaller Adoration Chapel. This way those who participate can maintain our 6-foot minimum distance apart. This will be open to all parishioners throughout the day. I do ask that those who participate please wear facial coverings while within the church, to help maximize the clean air within the church. Please enter through the ramp door and please utilize the available hand sanitizer immediately upon entering. We look forward to welcoming you back to “St. Benedict of the Pine Sol Forest” because we plan to have all pews and restrooms thoroughly sanitized before and after this Wednesday’s Eucharistic Adoration. We’ll be making plans soon for Adoration at Sts. Peter & Paul as well.

May the Lord keep us protected and healthy and, as always, well prepared for the gift of eternal life!