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Pastor's Letter for the June 13, 2021 bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Our Bereavement Haven support group will meet this Sunday, June 13th at 2:30 p.m. in the Social Hall.  All are welcome.

And I’d like to plan another short trek for our Holy Hikers.  At this point, let’s plan another Sunday afternoon hike on June 27th, leaving from the Gomber ... Read More »

Thoughts about the Sunday Mass Obligation

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

I mentioned in the Pastor's Letter of this past weekend that I wanted to emphasize welcoming parishioners (and visitors) back to Sunday Masses this weekend as the Bishops of Ohio have restored the "Sunday Mass obligation" rather than emphasizing the obligation. So, here are some reflections on the obligation ... Read More »

Pastor's Letter for the June 6, 2021 bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Welcome back again to Fr. Jeremiah Hahn and “thank you” to him for offering the 10:30 a.m. Mass this weekend as a Mass of Thanksgiving.  He is planning to con-celebrate the 8:00 a.m. Mass and to preside and preach at the 10:30 a.m.  One tradition connected with Masses of ... Read More »

Pastor's Letter for the May 30, 2021 Bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Like enjoying a little “Christmas in July” we are enjoying some “Thanksgiving in May” as we acknowledge a number of people with parish connections who are at moments of transition in their lives.  And we as a parish here in Ohio will be gratefully transitioning closer to normal this ... Read More »

Pastor's Letter for the May 23, 2021 Bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Thank you for your prayers for Fr. Jeremiah Hahn and for welcoming him here during the time of his formation.  He is planning to offer a Mass of Thanksgiving at the 8:35 a.m. Mass this week on Thursday, May 27th.  All are welcome!  And he is planning to be ... Read More »

Pastor's Letter for the May 16, 2021 Bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

We received messages this morning (Friday, May 14th) from both the Ohio Conference of Catholic Bishops and Bishop Monforton regarding changes in restrictions due to COVID-19. At this point, the plan is for “restoring” the obligation to attend Sunday Mass by the weekend of June 5th/6th.  We will be ... Read More »

Pastor's Letter for the May 9, 2021 Bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Congratulations to Fr. Bob who a week ago, on May 1st, observed his 45th Anniversary of ordination to the priesthood.  I feel a little embarrassed but grateful that one of his chief ways of celebrating that anniversary this past week was to be available to cover parish responsibilities while ... Read More »

Pastor's Letter for the May 2, 2021 Bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Gardeners and farmers can thank me for the drenching rains we had this past Wednesday evening and Thursday.  I was amazed to see that finally washing my car really did bring on some rain.  I washed my car on Tuesday evening and, sure enough, by Wednesday it was raining.  ... Read More »

Pastor's Letter for the April 25, 2021 Bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

Last Saturday’s first gathering of the “Holy Hikers” was very enjoyable to me.  We leisurely walked the trail to the Stone House at Salt Fork State Park.  One of the hikers provided a map of the various kinds of wildflowers in bloom along that mostly wooded, hillside trail.  I ... Read More »

Pastor's Letter for the April 18, 2021 Bulletin

Posted by Rev. Paul Hrezo

This past week I experienced another chapter of my recent personal health odyssey.  In the end, this chapter has a good ending, but the steps along the way were eye-opening.

Briefly, when I took the COVID-19 test in December, my symptoms turned out to be related to high blood ... Read More »