Pastor's Letter for the May 2, 2021 Bulletin

Gardeners and farmers can thank me for the drenching rains we had this past Wednesday evening and Thursday.  I was amazed to see that finally washing my car really did bring on some rain.  I washed my car on Tuesday evening and, sure enough, by Wednesday it was raining.  Plus, I vacuumed the interior and, wouldn’t you know it, the rain was heavy on Thursday!  I guess I should apologize for putting it off so long and for contributing in that way to the dry spring weather!  I suppose then I would have had to apologize to our baseball and softball players instead!

This spring is also proving to be a time of transition here at Christ Our Light Parish.  As you might have seen or heard already our St. Benedict School Principal, Sue Sanders, will be concluding her three-year tenure here at the end of this school year.  What a tremendous blessing she has been for our School and Parish community!  We have begun the search for a new principal with several good inquiries and candidates. 

Additionally, Pat Farley, who has served more than 30 years as our Director of Religious Education, is retiring this summer as well.  When you see the job description here in today’s bulletin, as we begin the search for a new DRE as well, you can likewise see how comprehensive her role(s) in and contributions to the life of our parish have been! 

And, we are also grateful for Lynn Padden’s exceptional service as Secretary for St. Benedict School.  That is indeed a multi-faceted and essential role for the life of the School!

For all three of these, we will need to pray fervently that Our Lord will raise up and show us the right people to carry on serving in these capacities and to further the mission of the Church.  Their successors will see how significantly they have provided strong foundations for building on and how those foundations can enable our Parish and School community to flourish even more profoundly.

Congratulations to our students who are receiving their First Holy Communion this Sunday afternoon, May 2nd. Thank you to their family and household members as well as to all who have helped to inspire them and to form them with the gift of faith in Jesus’ presence through the Eucharist.  God bless! 

May the Lord help us to experience the transforming power of God’s love and mercy!  May we all experience continued Easter Season blessings!