Pastor's Letter for the January 24, 2021 Bulletin

This time of year and during this week of prayer for Christian Unity, one project that would be a tremendous blessing for our whole county and area community is the refurbishing of the kitchen at Feed My People.  That local “soup kitchen” has been providing a daily lunch, Monday through Saturday.  Their kitchen is in need of substantial upgrades.  It is essentially in the social hall area of Christ Lutheran Church.

Their social hall area also includes storage shelving for GRACE Pantry.  Thank you for your generosity in supplying so many food donations throughout the year for that pantry.  As a parish we contributed funds for the purchase of the van used for GRACE Pantry and I plan to make a parish contribution for refurbishing the kitchen for Feed My People.  I would encourage parishioner donations toward that project to be well worth it, again, since this is outreach benefits our larger Guernsey County community.

Thank you for your participation in the collection for purchasing the ultrasound machines for the Open Arms Pregnancy Center.  We have less than $2,000 to complete the fundraising for the second ultrasound machine, the one to refurbish the unit at the OAPC offices.  

Please consider participating in the St. Benedict Annual School Auction, which is now looking for additional items for the auction. See the extensive notices at other parts of the bulletin for details about how you can donate items and how you can participate in the actual auction itself, being conducted online this year over the course of a week. 

Thank you, as well, to all who participated in this past Friday’s Holy Hour of prayer for life.  This is especially a crucial time to stand strong for the most vulnerable in our community and to have their rights better guarded (actually guarded?) in our nations laws.

May the Lord continue to bless us with joy and peace as disciples of Jesus and to help us to be always ready for the gift of eternal life in Heaven!